Oracle Database 11g
How to drop oracle database manually
In this article we will show how to manually drop/delete oracle
Here we will drop oracle database which name TESTDB
Step 1: First we check the oracle_sid and oracle_home using
below command
@Check the oracle database name
@Check the oracle database name
Sql> select name from v$database;
Step 2: We check the location of data file, log file and
control file of drop database so that after drop database we can check that
location files are exit or not.
# Check log file location
Sql>select member from v$logfile;
# Check control files location
Sql>select name
from v$controlfile;
# Check data file location
Sql>select name from v$datafile;
Step 3: Connect oracle database as sysdba
#sqlplus / as sysdba
Shutdown the database
Sql> shutdown immediate
Sql> shutdown abort
Shutdown the database
Sql> shutdown immediate
Sql> shutdown abort
Step 4: startup oracle database exclusive restrict mode
Sql> startup mount exclusive restrict;
Step 5: drop database using drop command
Sql> drop database
Note: Be careful to drop database, make sure your
database name is correct which database you want to drop.
After database drop we can check the data file, control file
and log file location to verify that all files are removed successfully.
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